Local Para Champions Round 2 - 2024/25

This is a preview of the LPC Application form 2024/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Local Para Champions

* indicates a required field.

About the program

The Local Para Champions Program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for participants aged 12 to 24 attending an eligible state/territory, national or international championships, where the championship is specifically for athletes with a disability.

Please do not apply for this grant if the competition you are attending is not specifically for athletes with a disability.  If the competition is for able bodied athletes only you need to apply for Local Sporting Champions which is a different program.


To be eligible to receive funding through the Local Para Champions program, applicants must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be turning 12 to 24 years of age in the same calendar year as the nominated championships.
  • Be an Australian citizen or have been granted permanent resident status and be residing in Australia.
  • Be a participant in an event, division or competition open only to athletes with a disability which is:

A participant is anyone involved in an official capacity in the event or competition such as an athlete, coach or official, and where appropriate, guides or assistants.

  • Applicants attending a state/territory championship must be living more than 125km from the championships venue and travelling greater than 250km return to participate in the nominated championships*.
  • May receive a maximum of two grants in the same allocation year (3 June 2024 – 30 April 2025) for attending either:
    • one state or national championships and one international competition; or
    • two different international competitions.
  • Must incur out-of-pocket expenses equal to, or greater than, the grant amount they are eligible to receive.
  • Must not receive a Local Para Champions grant or a Local Sporting Champions grant in the
    same or a previous round to attend the same championship or competition.
  • Applications must be submitted within timeframes indicated in the ‘When can I apply?’ section of this document.

*People attending a national championships or international competition do not need to be travelling a minimum distance to be eligible.

When Can I apply?

Applications can be submitted at any time during the round opening and closing date for competitions that occur within the relevant timeframes below:


Eligible competition dates (Eligible competitions must have at least one day of competition during this timeframe)

Round 1 (Applications open June-July 2024)

Eligible competitions held between 1 March 2024 and 30 November 2024

Round 2 (Applications open August- October 2024)

Eligible competitions held between 1 July 2024 and 28 February 2025

Round 3 (Applications open November 2024-January 2025)

Eligible competitions held between 1 October 2024 and 30 May 2025

Round 4 (Applications open February-April 2025)

Eligible competitions held between 1 January 2025 and 31 August 2025


Applications for competitions held during the eligible competition dates can be submitted at any time during the round. Applications do not need to be submitted within one month of the competition finishing, they can be submitted at any time the round is open. 

Saved applications must be completed and submitted prior to the end of the round to be eligible.  Applications submitted in incorrect rounds will be ineligible.


1. Eligibility & Terms and Conditions

1.1 I confirm that I meet all of the above eligibility criteria * Required
1.2 I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions * Required
Click here to view the Terms and Conditions
1.3 I understand that the Local Para Champions program may be oversubscribed and the grant cannot be guaranteed * Required